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Econ vs Math, Physics, CS

Hi. I am a Economics student who wants to get in quant enviroment.
I like mathematics, stats, finance and programming and I thought that economics would not be the fastest and right option to reach the goal because here at university the career's study plan has a very poor level of math and stats and almost nothing related with finance. I mentioned these subjects because I have been reading about the main fields required for a quant such as math (Or physics), CS, Stats and finance, so I wanna ask you for help to decide which of these degree (Math, Physics or CS) could I take and why should I do it.
Thank u for reading

PD: Sorry for redaction, English is not my mother tongue
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Honestly, go for maths and computer science. I studied econ+finance (hnrs) and comp sci+maths for electives, and in restropect, I would say you'll do yourself a favor by studying maths + comp sci. Taking those two majors are not a golden ticket in itself, but if you work hard, you'll have a very strong baggage.

Ultimately, self-studying and inner motivation trumps a lot of other factors IMO. But you only have 24 hours in a day...
Honestly, go for maths and computer science. I studied econ+finance (hnrs) and comp sci+maths for electives, and in restropect, I would say you'll do yourself a favor by studying maths + comp sci. Taking those two majors are not a golden ticket in itself, but if you work hard, you'll have a very strong baggage.

Ultimately, self-studying and inner motivation trumps a lot of other factors IMO. But you only have 24 hours in a day...
Thank u so much!