Econometrics: RATS Problem?

yt= 1.0 + 0.90yt-1 + e1t

zt= 1.0+ 1.0zt-1 +e2t

Using RATS generate 500 observations for y and z. note e1t and e2t are iid. save the generated y and z in a RATS data file (.rats) and open your data file. plot y and z and discuss the time series properties of each series. use the display command when discussing the results. all work should be done in RATS only.

Can someone help me with this?
The task looks simple in stats point of view but what is RATS??? Any statistical package?
Thanks for the reply. Regression analysis of time series software. anyone have experience with this?
I'm not familiar with RATS but the distributor gives links to many textbook code examples

RATS, like R, should contain an iid random number generator -or- you should have been told how to determine those values.

What are you having trouble with?
Thanks for the reply. Regression analysis of time series software. anyone have experience with this?

Yeah, 20 years ago. Is your professor a dinosaur? Is there actually a windows version? I used the DOS version back in the day.

Weren't some chapters of the bible originally in RATS?

If you have no luck here, try sci.stat.math on the Usenet (Google Groups). It's a dinosaur hangout. I'll bet someone there knows. Beware, however, that it's a professional (as opposed to student) forum and people there get cranky when posters post homework problems...
Thanks for the reply. Regression analysis of time series software. anyone have experience with this?

Sorry Rory then. As you guessed I have never used this software. And is it a MUST to do this problem in RATS? Or the point is to arrive at some conclusion about results?

What are you having trouble with?
That'd be my question also. Do you have a problem with the commands of that software or there is some problem with understanding of the question?
Thanks guys, I guess he must be a dinosaur. The whole thing is the problem, Im not familiar with the code at all was just seeing if I could get a quick fix? thanks again everyone,
Thanks guys, I guess he must be a dinosaur. The whole thing is the problem, Im not familiar with the code at all was just seeing if I could get a quick fix? thanks again everyone

We really want to help you Rory but the software seems ancient. Look Im pointing you to some sites where you can get the programming help:

These sites might be helpful since there is programming community and you can ask any scripting questions. Hope they'll have more solution than us.

Good Luck
Did you get the solution? There are not provided thread areas for RATS software but you can post on "other" section and they probably respond quickly. At least moderators checking the incoming posts.
@Rory Stuart
It's clear that the problem is with the age of the software. It's such old that even programmers haven't heard of it. Is it urgent? Or it's ok if it will be ready for tomorrow?
@Rory Stuart

If it is ok for tomorrow then I can do this: I have a C++ lecture tomorrow at university and I'll ask that question to my lecturer. He knows many languages but for sure he also won't be aware of this software. But he can at least direct me to any correct path to take and get the solution. I have also 2nd option: I know many programmers knowing statistical softwares R, SAS, Minitab, etc. and they probably know something or they can handle it because of familiarity of the languages. Ill try both options and respond you tomorrow around this time.
dunno why it is being used

That's what we don't understand but don't worry, we'll handle it somehow. Professors sometimes get stuck into mathematics and finance and don't keep up with the development and improvement of softwares and PLs. So your professor might be one of such ones knowing RATS and haven't heard of sophistication. It's the same as asking to use a horse for transportation purposes while there are cars made.
That would be great, thanks for your help. I will have to try work it out myself though I suppose it is due on Tuesday 9am(GMT).
It's the same as asking to buy a horse for transportation purposes while there are cars made.- haha
It's the same as asking to use a horse for transportation purposes while there are cars made.
:D exactly.

I suppose it is due on Tuesday 9am(GMT)

No problem I'll begin to search for helpers and if I get anything (I hope I will) I'll give you answer till the above time.
@Rory Stuart

Rory here I am. I tried hard all the things I promised and the outcome is that nobody on earth seems to be aware of this software. As I said I asked that question to my lecturer and he didn't know it as expected but directed me to some web sites which are particularly helpful for RATS forums. If your professor keeps asking the questions regarding this software in future, these sites might be of huge value for you:
As I said, I also asked that question to programmers aware of related statistical packages but they (whoever responded) said that it's unfamiliar for them and couldn't handle the unknown code. All in all, the only last option in my hands was to ask the question on web sites I provided. I did on some of them and on other programming community sites and I'm still waiting for the responses. I hope they will reply. How much time is left exactly???
Also note that the most useful link is seems to be the second one but when registered you have to wait for the mderation team to approve the registration which took quite a long time
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