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education with no work experience

Hello, I am a recent graduate in computer science and mathematics and I am currently planning on pursuing a masters in financial mathematics at queen mary university. However, I do not have any work experience and I am afraid that this will fail me. I was wondering what things can I do in order to increase my chances to get into a quant field. Keep in mind, that I may consider pursuing a PhD when I finish my masters
Work experience is helpful but not a requirement unless specified otherwise by the quant programs. You just have to meet their admission checklist and create a good application to have a shot.
Quant masters programs are meant to get you into the industry. If you plan a PhD, then some programs are more theoretical and can prepare you better.
Work experience is helpful but not a requirement unless specified otherwise by the quant programs. You just have to meet their admission checklist and create a good application to have a shot.
Quant masters programs are meant to get you into the industry. If you plan a PhD, then some programs are more theoretical and can prepare you better.
The only problem is that I don't really have any work experience on my CV and I am afraid that may bury any chances I have