Please, don't give me links to wiki about Perelman

(I know who he is and I am familiar with his a decent extent) ....and definitely do not educate me about Russian mathematicians. ???????
Perelman is hardly the greatest. He is the most well known among general public, that's for sure. Yes, he tackled old and incredibly difficult problem.
However, there are a few mathematicians (Serre, Gromov, Atiyah, Smale... and Tao will definitely be one of them) ) whose impact on the development of mathematics outweighs Perelman's achievement.
As for the topic discussed (Asia), I am more interested in forward looking analysis, not proportions or statistics in retrospect. And the trend is clear, Asian scientists moving forward faster than anyone else.
Talking about fields medalists, one of the last recipients is from Vietnam. Who would've thought some 20 years ago that Lagland's problem will be solved by a guy from Vietnam...)
Another evidence is IMO results. For the last 10 years China was consistently taking the first place.
Now if you look at the results back in the 80's Chinese were nowhere as dominant as today.
So, again, the trend is obvious. ...and nothing really shows that the trend will stop in the near future.