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Fordham Student looking for full time jobs

Hello! Can someone please give me a chance to an entry level job? I won't let you down by hard working. 3477201938 Jack . Thanks!
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Hello! Can someone please give me a chance to an entry level job? I won't let you down by hard working. 3477201938 Jack . Thanks!
That sounds desperate. Is Fordham not helping?

Historically, QN hasn't been kind to Fordham. This is not good news.
That sounds desperate. Is Fordham not helping?

Historically, QN hasn't been kind to Fordham. This is not good news.

Well, the program is great. I got classmates in Goldman and all the big names. I guess it's just bad luck for me then. Haven't heard anything from companies...I am a very active person and I always work things out so...I just need an interview to prove myself.
To get an interview you need to hit that threshold of skills/experience/background the numbers games doesnt usually work ie.applying to max no of jobs. Know what that thresold is and rework your CV to the point you can defend on interviews. If you were a cash registrar at your grandma's grocery store back home spin it as you did some monetcarlo simulations. Success attracts success and no one would want to hire an unproven commodity.

Well, the program is great. I got classmates in Goldman and all the big names. I guess it's just bad luck for me then. Haven't heard anything from companies...I am a very active person and I always work things out so...I just need an interview to prove myself.
To get an interview you need to hit that threshold of skills/experience/background the numbers games doesnt usually work ie.applying to max no of jobs. Know what that thresold is and rework your CV to the point you can defend on interviews. If you were a cash registrar at your grandma's grocery store back home spin it as you did some monetcarlo simulations. Success attracts success and no one would want to hire an unproven commodity.

Thanks man. Working on it.