Freshman Interested


I am currently in my first year of electrical engineering at a Canadian University. However, I just stumbled upon quant finance and it seems very interesting. I would want to work in the US in the field and I am wondering what I could do to position myself for this field.

Also, I am considering transfer out of electrical engineering to computer science or even a joint major in computer science and math. What do you think?
Wow, I wish I had been smart enough to think about my future back when I was a freshman :)
If you're planning on an MFE: Go through this forum and website, look at the MFE admissions websites for various programs and make sure you take those courses during your time in university. Take more than the requirement if you want a good chance.

Try to land related internships / coops(I think Canada has those?) in between school years so that you can point to them later on when you're looking for employment. At the very least, try to get any internship at a large investment bank or investment firm. Some even have programs specifically tailored towards first year students (ex. so look for those aggressively.

CS+Math is a great combination. Even if you do not switch, or do only CS, make sure you have enough mathematics courses (the admissions websites for MFE programs should be a good guideline). I did CS and minored in mathematics-I think that was a good balance.
Ok so it's not about the major but more so on the classes I take. If I don't plan on going for MFE, could I still get into the industry with just a bachelor?
Yes, you can get an entry level job with only a bachelor through hustling, networking. At some point you may reach a glass ceiling in term of knowledge and upward mobility. You can consider graduate school then. Keep in mind that many technical jobs require a master these days.
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