Gatech QCF vs UC Berkley MFE

I know UC Berkley is the better program, but how much of a disadvantage will I be in if I chose to go to Gatech and do a dual major over there?
I’m in the similar situation, but I just got the UCB admission to 2021 class. Have you made a decision?
I am confused
UCB is one year only-developing the skillset and looking for employment would be really tough but the brand value that UCB would give us is unparalleled.
I have the same concerns as you.
But I really want to do a dual major at Gatech, since many people are saying that nowadays it's more difficult to find a quant job, I'm thinking that maybe a dual degree in CS would provide me with more opportunities.
Do these brand names matter much in Usa
Where are you from?
I'm from China. Brand names matter much in China, I don't know whether it matters much in USA. I plan to work in USA for several years if possible, and then come back to China, at that time maybe work experience would matter more than brand names.
They do over here in India also
But I think the skill you acquire matters more,and I think I would walk out with a better skillset from gatech than berkley.
UCB is a tier 1 program. They have had 100% placement at a very high salary for years now. I believe they know what companies are looking for and give you those skill sets. I’ve heard it’s a very hard program as well. I would pick UCB any day of the week
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