Background info:
I'm a first year math grad student. I have no work experience related to Finance/Business; all my work experiences have been academic (REU or tutoring/TA) in either math/physics.
Interests: Career path in Financial Engr/OR.
Goal (short-term): Obtain a summer internship position in a bank.
List of Courses I could possibly take next semester:
Intro. to Modern Algebra II
Intro. to Analysis II
Complex Analysis II
Partial Differential Equations I
Math. Stat. II
Financial Engr.
I would like to take 4 courses this coming semester. Can you please advice/give reasons if possible of which courses I should take? Thanks.
Background info:
I'm a first year math grad student. I have no work experience related to Finance/Business; all my work experiences have been academic (REU or tutoring/TA) in either math/physics.
Interests: Career path in Financial Engr/OR.
Goal (short-term): Obtain a summer internship position in a bank.
List of Courses I could possibly take next semester:
Intro. to Modern Algebra II
Intro. to Analysis II
Complex Analysis II
Partial Differential Equations I
Math. Stat. II
Financial Engr.
I would like to take 4 courses this coming semester. Can you please advice/give reasons if possible of which courses I should take? Thanks.