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How bad are things for Int'l MFE graduates in context of the deteoriating US job market ?

Being an International student going to US for financial maths masters in fall'24, I wanted to get an insights into how the situation is there especially for Int'l students. Int'l students need to secure a job within 3 months post graduation to avoid being deported. And with the current political and economic climate in US, I have been reading across news, cs graduate forums and mba forums that companies are far less willing now to hire international students as they don't wish to sponsor h1b.

Is the situation of quant job market similar to cs and post mba job markets ?
Would love to hear from people who have graduated or are currently in mfe program about the situation of recruitment there.


Seems people are silent atm..And reaching out to alumni on LinkedIn not really helping much. Lol.

The only encouraging thing is you have 1.5 - 2yrs before you complete your studies. Things might have changed by then.
It's a tough market for sure. It makes coming out of a program without excellent dedicated career service like jumping in the pool without life jacket.
Some programs have offered students an extra semester so they can stay in status while looking for jobs.
There are lots of uncertainty and geopolitics risks. Election is coming up in November and nobody knows what will happen then.
You can only control the skills you have to offer. Learn programming (C++, Python) so you can interview for a wide range of position. Network and connect to alumni now.