How do I prepare coding for quant internship?

Hi guys! I am currently a MFE student and looking for quant summer internship. I notice that there are plenty of resources for maths interview questions but few for coding.

I know Leetcode but I think that's for tech companies. Are there any specific topics at Leetcode I should look into for quant jobs? Or are there any websites and resources for quant coding? Thanks!
You can read Prof. Dan's book. It is highly recommended.
No, if you're at a tech-oriented quant place, Leetcode is for those companies as well. I'd continue to do them until you are comfortable with at least medium-level questions.
No, if you're at a tech-oriented quant place, Leetcode is for those companies as well. I'd continue to do them until you are comfortable with at least medium-level questions.
Thank you for your information! There is a list of topics on LeetCode, for example, algorithm, database etc. Do I have to go through all of them? Which topics should I prioritize first?
Can you provide with the name of the book
Thank you for your information! There is a list of topics on LeetCode, for example, algorithm, database etc. Do I have to go through all of them? Which topics should I prioritize first?

The mathematics category is most relevant to quant research/quant analyst roles, companies' coding challenges will be mostly of this nature. It wouldn't hurt to know the stuff you'd need to know in any coding interview as well, such as graph algorithms, dynamic programming, etc. This industry likes asking tricky questions and topics that are perceived as smart. Database stuff is not important for heavy research roles but if you apply for a role where there is some engineering work to be done it'd be helpful to know something. Anecdotally speaking, for the role I got (quant analyst), SQL is a part of the job but I didn't put it on my resume so they didn't really ask.
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