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How does a CVA trading desk work?

Hi! I'll be interning over the next summer with CVA trading desk at a big IB. I'd like to know how exactly does a CVA trading desk function. What core tools and techniques are used?
Hi! I'll be interning over the next summer with CVA trading desk at a big IB. I'd like to know how exactly does a CVA trading desk function. What core tools and techniques are used?
In terms of function, they generally centralize the banks counterparty risk and hedge against it.

I don’t work on a CVA desk so there’s a lot that I am not aware of, but I like this article by Risk.net

Thanks! very insightful article.

Also, how quant-heavy are roles in CVA desks generally?
This might depend on the bank but from what I know they are generally highly respected quants. Although you’d probably want to be at a bank where the desk has a PnL versus being treated as a cost center.