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"I Can Swing My Stick and Hit a Smart Person"

So not too long ago, a recent PhD grad from Lehigh University that I'm decent friends with got a job reporting to the CIO at JPM's private bank (they manage $700B), and what the CIO told him was this:

"I can swing my stick and hit a smart person. I made this position deliberately for you since you can speak English."

AKA, communication is huge.

Oh, and as for me, I'm currently working from home as an analyst for a data consulting company, into which I got hired because of my R programming skills. And communication with the senior consultant I work with is a huge part of the work.

So, FWIW, my 2 cents currently.
So not too long ago, a recent PhD grad from Lehigh University that I'm decent friends with got a job reporting to the CIO at JPM's private bank (they manage $700B), and what the CIO told him was this:

"I can swing my stick and hit a smart person. I made this position deliberately for you since you can speak English."





Being able to speak English doesn't mean you're good at communicating. Just look at your forum posts for a good example.

I haven't been quite as active on QN for sometime now, but from the looks of it, some things haven't changed...