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I want to switch from an assistant professor to a quant job. What is the best way to do it?

I am an assistant professor at a no name school outside of the US (making 80000$ per year). I specialyze in empirical microeconomics and I have a PhD in Econ from the US Top 70 Econ Department. I want to get a job as a quant. What is the best way for me to do it? I may dedicate about 1.5-2 years to make a switch. What should I show in addition to my PhD in Econ to be competitive on this market? I want a job at a Hedge fund/Investment Bank/Prop Shop and hopefully make at least 140000 a year. How fast I can atchieve my goal?
Well working in a no name university outside of the US is no fun at all (My university is located in relatively bad part of the world, -35 celsius right now). Paycheck is important but the most important part is to have a good job with a clear career path. Also I do very specific empirical micro stuff and I just realized that nobody needs it. This stuff is good only for plublications and university rankings.

Not many countries with -35C, I assume you are not in Russia - professors usually do not get 80000 USD here ))
I am an assistant professor at a no name school outside of the US (making 80000$ per year). I specialyze in empirical microeconomics and I have a PhD in Econ from the US Top 70 Econ Department. I want to get a job as a quant. What is the best way for me to do it? I may dedicate about 1.5-2 years to make a switch. What should I show in addition to my PhD in Econ to be competitive on this market? I want a job at a Hedge fund/Investment Bank/Prop Shop and hopefully make at least 140000 a year. How fast I can atchieve my goal?

Goal is to make money, only?
If you are good at trading, you can make right away $140,000 with out any problem.
Chees Grandmaster turns Hedge Fund manager: