IMPORTANT: Things to do before starting your MFE program

Now that many of our members have decided on their Master’s in Quant programs, I want to highlight an important topic—how to best prepare between now and the start of your program in mid-summer.
Proper preparation is crucial, as internship opportunities begin as soon as you step on campus. Many students are surprised by the intensity of coursework and how early the interview process starts.
I’d love to gather insights from first-year students and recent graduates—what advice would you give to incoming students?
Your input is invaluable, and I truly appreciate your help on behalf of the QuantNet community.
@pierreyvessojic @markbogorad @Eric Kopen
Thanks @Andy Nguyen for your valuable advice. Just wondering is there a roadmap or a compiled list of topics (stats/math/computing) that we can brush up on before the start of the MFE program so that we are well prepared for the internship /FT Job hunt once the program begins?
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I will list a few.
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The prep before starting an MFE should really depend on your background. Depending what you did for work or in your undergrad, its going to be really important to cover some or all of the general angles of quant with relevant math, computer science, finance, and machine learning. Among these, finance people will have the most catching up to do. Generally speaking, I'd break down the most important topics like this:

1) Coding - you're expected to be an intermediate programmer. There's really no hiding from it, you'll need to code in every class and most likely at some stage of the interview cycle for a good firm you'd like to work at. ChatGPT has made it really easy to be able to work with and understand code, which can help you on projects, but for interviews, you're going to need to be able to code from scratch. I'd suggest focusing more on Python (unless you want to be a Quant Dev, then go all in on C++), as this is what most interviews and classes will focus on. Best way to get good is to do a ton of Leetcode problems, particularly related to data structures/algorithms and dynamic programming. You also want to be as good as possible with pandas and numpy.

2) Probability - I think most prospective students are looking to be traders or researchers. Knowing probability for these jobs is the equivalent of knowing how to code for the rest of the jobs, without strong probability knowledge, you won't get from interview 1 to interview 2. I'd suggest refreshing with the Ross book, and then doing problems from the Green Book (A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews by Xinfeng Zhou). The Green Book is really useful, I've been asked a lot of questions directly from there or a light remix of those.

3) Resume/Projects - There's some time between now and August/September when most programs start, so I'd suggest working on the things that will get you interviews. Getting work experience over the summer before an MFE is uncommon, but if possible and relevant it's a no brainer. A solid alternative is building a project portfolio. I personally think this goes a long way, not only will your resume stand out more, but you'll bring topics you can discuss confidently with you to interviews during the behavioral bits. From my experience, behavioral interviews in quant are really just a high level discussion of what you've done/what you like in this space. You want to be an expert on something, ideally down the career path you aspire to work in. This will also help you think more about what career it is you want to pursue, maybe doing the work of a dev/researcher on your own time confirms your goals or makes you rethink. This is a great time to do so while not under the pressure of finding a summer/full time role.

4) Finance - This is not as crucial as the 3 above. Most have already had some exposure, but if you're not confident about your finance knowledge, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (8th Edition) by John Hull is really the golden standard for being up to speed quick. Referenced in one way or another in every class I've had.

For some general tips, I'd say not to focus too much on certifications including ones like CFA, FRM, etc, but the C++ course on here is an exception because you'll learn how to properly code. Research the industry. I'm posting my Excel tracker for this last cycle for y'all to get an idea. I asked ChatGPT to rank them 1-5 stars so I can save the 5 star interviews for when I had some practice. The bottom 200 or so are my manual input so those have a little personal bias. Applications open in August so you should plan your application pace out accordingly and stay strict to it (I did 10 a day). I suggest taking a little break from everything in July so you start strong, the first semester can be demanding.

If you're planning on joining the Tandon program feel free to reach out


Having done the Pre-MFE courses on Probability and Advanced Calculus, I am looking to start Stochastic Calculus. Wont mind a refresher on Probability Theory topics a bit though (a bit rusty there). Which book would be ideal for this? I eventually want to do QR towards Volatility Modelling or Derivatives Pricing.
Having done the Pre-MFE courses on Probability and Advanced Calculus, I am looking to start Stochastic Calculus. Wont mind a refresher on Probability Theory topics a bit though (a bit rusty there). Which book would be ideal for this? I eventually want to do QR towards Volatility Modelling or Derivatives Pricing.
I'd jump straight into something on volatility modeling and while working through that you'll end up reviewing probability theory naturally. I'm reading Stochastic Volatility Modeling by Lorenzo Bergomi myself right now - highly recommend. For stochastic calculus, the golden standard would be the 2 Shreve books. I left it out from the list because you'll most likely have a formal class on it in your MFE as some kind of core class, but reading up on it would still be a good use of your time.
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