I have heard a few arguments that the field of derivatives pricing is "industrializing".
So the skills required today are not the same ones required a decade ago.
Alex Kuznetsov makes this point (in a slightly roundabout way) in
his book "Capital markets for Quantitative professionals" where he
(briefly) mentions the march of electronic trading.
So here is my question to all the gurus out there. Do you think
this industrialization is really happening? If so, could you elaborate
on what form this is taking? Are we just talking about automation (algo trading)?
What effect would this have on the practitioners?
Aren't complex derivatives hard to automate? I realize that these are not very popular at the moment
But won't they be back in a year or so? And if they do, won't they be impervious
to the automation/algo trading techniques?
So the skills required today are not the same ones required a decade ago.
Alex Kuznetsov makes this point (in a slightly roundabout way) in
his book "Capital markets for Quantitative professionals" where he
(briefly) mentions the march of electronic trading.
So here is my question to all the gurus out there. Do you think
this industrialization is really happening? If so, could you elaborate
on what form this is taking? Are we just talking about automation (algo trading)?
What effect would this have on the practitioners?
Aren't complex derivatives hard to automate? I realize that these are not very popular at the moment

But won't they be back in a year or so? And if they do, won't they be impervious
to the automation/algo trading techniques?