Interesting app - Write code from iphone/ipad (!!)

Codetogo - more info here

It has its limitations, but a step in the right direction anyhow :)

I've yet to try loading an existing file (and expect to run into problems since there is no input UI at runtime) but Im having fun playing around with it.

Since apple authorized this app in the app store, I wonder if xcode on ios is in the future? (A girl can dream!!)
In case someone would really need something alike - why not just access, that these guys seem to be using as back-end, from any browser on any phone?

Now, if someone would write really good basketball stats smartphone app, that would be something that would really get me excited...
Codetogo - more info here

It has its limitations, but a step in the right direction anyhow :)

I've yet to try loading an existing file (and expect to run into problems since there is no input UI at runtime) but Im having fun playing around with it.

Since apple authorized this app in the app store, I wonder if xcode on ios is in the future? (A girl can dream!!)


I have actually written a program which is far more than one step in the right direction. Take a look at this video I made earlier this year of the program:


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