Is My Profile Good Enough For Top Universities?

Hi everyone,

I'm going to apply for a Masters in Financial Engineering for fall'20. It is my humble request to please evaluate my profile and give some suggestions for improvements.

1) Undergraduate Degree & CGPA:- Information Technology(2016); 8.2/10
2) Work Exp & Internships:- 2 years work exp at government organization in India as a python developer. 3 Internships in Derivatives Trading and Equity Research.
3) Finance Coursework:- a) Completed "Leading With Finance" from Harvard Business School Online; b) Multiple online courses from Coursera in Financial Market from Coursera with above 90% in all.
4) Math & Statistics Coursework:- Math course for Financial Engineers from the University of California, Berkeley; b) Game theory courses from Coursera with grades; c) Statistics courses from Stanford Online; d) Pursuing Graduate Certification in Quantitative Methods in Finance from Stanford Univerity ( completed the autumn semester with Excellent Grade (A+)
5) Programming: Skilled in Python, R, Matlab, SQL. Pursuing Machine Learning Nanodegree from Udacity.
6) Other Things: a) Incoming Summer School candidate(July-August 2019) at the London School of Economics (LSE) for "Introduction to Financial Mathematics" course; b) Attended AIBC (Asia Investment & Banking conference) at Hong Kong in 2018, and participated in Sales and Trading Competition; c) Silver level candidate on WorldQuant's Websim portal (developing trading strategies).
7) GRE/Toefl:- Yet to give.

I would greatly appreciate your reviews and improvement suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
lol jk. You seem fine, it's just that there is so many of these that you can look at past one and have a great sense on what weak points you may have
Very average.

Your GRE will be a huge determining factor. Then of course, it is how you present yourself to the application committee, recommendation letters, etc.
That's a lot of MOOCs...those things tend to not hold a candle to actual in-person lectures. They are tremendously useful, no doubt, but their value as qualifications is iffy as best, imo.
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