Learning Latex to write your paper

With the calculus class coming and many other courses in the future where you need to write technical paper, latex is the language of choice. Please use this famous short guide to familiarize yourself with the syntax of latex.

You can write a latex paper using any text editor such as Winedit, Emacs, compile it and converse it to pdf file.

The software to use on Windows is Miktex at www.miktex.org
Ha.. another cheat sheet :D. First get used to Latex and you can use Alain's sheet for almost anything you'll write.
Here is the wiki page with all the info you ever need http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX

And here is a screenshot of Emacs editing the code and the resulting dvi page. You can convert dvi to pdf to email, publication. All of this is on Ubuntu OS which tex comes native. You would use Miktex or some other programs if you want it on WinXP. Enjoy texing.

Bump this up for the new incoming students.
If you are to submit your hw to the TA electronically, this is the way to go.
It also helps to know Latex when you start posting mathematical equations on Quantnet.
Latex is simple and should take most people couple of hours to learn most essential parts of it.

(\mathfrak{HAPPY} \; \mathfrak{Latexing} )
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