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List of Hedge Funds in the DC area?

Whatever you do, just don't say you're looking for a hedge fund internship at Carlyle.
Lol that's probably not happening... (EDIT: by the way, is FBR off limits too? Just kidding.)
But if there's a start-up or something, I might shoot them a call asking them if they're willing to take on at least an unpaid intern :)
Euroazn, I think what he meant was that Carlyle is NOT a hedge fund, but a Private Equity firm.
Does Carlyle have any hedge funds?
I am 99% sure that it does... but regardless... back to my original question... anyone have a list?
not a hedge fund but a well known firm in electricity markets, DC Energy. They might be venturing out into other areas.
not a hedge fund but a well known firm in electricity markets, DC Energy. They might be venturing out into other areas.

This is a great prop shop and it's extremely selective. I interviewed there but didn't make it through the last round. This kid is a high schooler though, so he has no chance.