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Maryland master of finance vs Cass Quant msc program (Financial Mathematics - London)

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I was given an opportunity to go to either
1. Maryland master of finance - 11 month program
2. Cass Financial Mathematics msc (London) - 7 month program (orginally a year long program but I was given this offer as a dual degree program with the graduate school I am currently in)

I am biased towards Cass because (in order of importance from my point of view)

1) London itself - I am Korean, though I am fluent in English I don't really see getting a job in London is within my reach. I am hoping to land a position in Hong Kong or Singapore where many people to get degrees from the UK. (If I go to London, I will actively seek local internship positions)

2) The program is more quantitative - Among Cass graduates I have met, they gave me a rather negative review in terms of class quality. But still the program seems more quantitative and home alone studies does matter I think. I heard the faculty in Maryland is very competitive like prof Heston. But it just seems less quantitative and after all I was not given the option to pursue master of quantitative finance in Maryland (which they do offer as a separate degree)

3) It requires shorter time to finish - Cass is comparatively cheaper because of the staying period (though living costs are significantly more expensive). Others say 4 month difference is not that big of a deal. After all, 5.3 work experience may be no different from 5 year work experience.

4) I will write a thesis in Cass and not in Maryland. This, I think will give me more opportunity to interact with the professor which may possibly lead to more opportunities.

I have still not made my final decision yet because regardless of the lists I have mentioned, MFE degree in the US is stronger than one in UK.
Any kind of suggestions or ideas would be of great help! Thank you!
Financial Math > Finance. Cass seems like a better choice. The dual degree is a nice bonus. London is a great market. The types of courses + rigor, are more important than special professors.
Financial Math > Finance. Cass seems like a better choice. The dual degree is a nice bonus. London is a great market. The types of courses + rigor, are more important than special professors.
Maryland master of finance is also a dual degree program
Thank you for your opinion!