Math course. Honors Calc II vs Differential Eq.

I am enrolling for my fall semester these days and I wanted to know what you guys think.

For pure math courses I have taken Calc 1&2 , Statistics(Including SAS course), Linear Algebra(Friedberg), Advanced Engineering Math(Kreyszig) 1&2. As you probably know, the Kreyszig book covers pretty much all the fields of applied math(Vector Calc, Lin Algebra, ODE, PDE, Fourier, Numeric, Complex Analysis).
I am wondering if there is any need for e to take a course dedicated to Differential equations.
I got a B for Calc II and right now I can either take Honors Calc II and get an A(for sure), or I can take Differential equations and get an A(probably).

I don't know how seriously "Advanced engineering mathematics" is regarded by MFE schools when I am applying. Is it normally sufficient or should I take all the prerequisite courses separately?
I find the latter kind of inefficient but willing to do so if it looks better on my application.

Anyways, so pump up my Calc II grade? or Take Differential eq?
What do you think is the wiser decision to make.
Take both. An "Advanced engineering mathematics" course will be regarded as seriously as the school it is coming from. If from MIT it will be regarded very highly.
Take both. An "Advanced engineering mathematics" course will be regarded as seriously as the school it is coming from. If from MIT it will be regarded very highly.

Okay. I'm at a Korean univ. better known for Engineering and Science.
But Econ isn't bad either.(2011 Nobel Laureate Sargent is coming as full time starting next year.)

So if I were to choose one between Honors CalcII and Differential eq, then take Diff eq?
( I can only take one of those I'm already packed to max credits with other classes.

If I were to take both Honors CalcII and Differential eq then I would have to drop one of the following.
-Programming practice
-Stock, Bonds and Financial derivatives
-Money and Finance
-Mathematical Finance

Thanks for your advice.
If the Calc II grade is your only B in Maths you should be fine without retaking it. If not, retake it and enroll in Diff Eq later... or move courses around.
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