• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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MFE after BSc Data Science + MBA Finance & Analytics - Review on Profile for Fall 2025

Hello all. Hope you are doing well.

I wanted to get a review on my profile for the MFE programs at top universities in US and UK.

Education History:
1. I hold an MBA with 4 majors Finance, Analytics, Marketing and Operations from IIM. But I focus only on Finance and Analytics to not confuse recruiters. 2019-2021
Finance -
Financial Analytics using R, Financial Risk Management using R, Portfolio Management, Trading and Market Microstructure, Econometrics, Business Valuation.
Analytics - Business Analysis, Data Visualization, Decision Science, Market Research, Marketing Analytics, Machine Learning.

2. Post which I did a B.Sc in Programming and Data Science from IIT, 9.2 CGPA India 2022 - 2024 (Completed it early):
Subjects and grades:

Linear Algebra - S, Advanced Probability - S, Machine Learning Mathematics - S, Deep Learning Mathematics - A, Full Stack Development - S, Data Structures and Algorithms - S, Linux - S, Python - S, C - A, Java - S, SQL with 10/10 grade is most of them. The course was very hands on too in these things with major coding components.

1. I also have work experience of 3 years as a Data Analyst at an AI startup.
2. I have prior BSc in Nautical Science and 3.5 years experience in Merchant Navy where I have worked Globally in over 21 countries. Not sure if this is relevant for MFE roles.

Objective: Through these programs I seek to combine this knowledge of tech and business and get high paying jobs in US which are tough to crack in India.

I seek guidance from seniors in the programs. Your comments and advice would be immensely helpful.