1. Know your resume cold; what it says and what you claim to know
2. For undergrad internships in these sort of roles they are concerned a significant amount (50%+ I would say) on personality above technical skill. Smile a lot. Be agreeable. Dress nicely. Be on time. These are all more important than anything else.
3. Know generally where the markets are. You do not need to know anything above where S&P and DJ are trending
4. Understand all basic risks (obviously):
>VaR (3 basic types)
5. Basic pricing and Greeks
>Black Scholes
>Delta/Gamma/Theta (should be more than enough)
6. Study and prepare for all commonly asked interview questions. THEY WILL ALL BE ASKED.
>Why Risk?
>Why Morgan?
>Explain this occurrence on your resume
> Weakness about yourself
7.VBA is a plus, SQL is a MASSIVE plus.
Numbers 1 & 2 above are by far the most important. Be pleasant and practice your interviewing skills.
Good luck my friend. Dos Equis.