MSc Discrete Maths and its Applications -Essex

I have a psychology undergraduate (ugh) and am currently finishing a conversion MSc in computer science. I am hoping to research algorithms in the future but I definitely need to get a mathematical foundation. It's hard to find courses that will provide this kind of conversion training, but Leicester have a pre-masters diploma in Mathematics and Essex have Discrete Math Diploma/MSc.

I am wondering if the modules at Essex would be beneficial from a Computer science / Algorithm perspective?

First of all, I like your choice of uisce beatha

Seriously, find a course that has more focus on real and numerical analysis rather than a more algebraic approach that you see a lot. It is a bit too soft IMO. And I would not take maths course from a CS department.

And calculus is not analysis.

Here is my (subjective) take on this topic
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Re: the whiskey: I need to find comfort somewhere having such a crap undergrad:-p

The course you linked certainly covers a lot of material, but I think I might want a diploma to be safe - and for the c.v. I'm also thinking that maybe I need a soft course because I'm fairly soft on the subject myself, at the moment. Perhaps Leicester is a better alternative to Essex though, because it coves the basics:
Calculus and Analysis I, Linear Algebra I, ProbabilityCalculus and Analysis II, Linear Algebra II

I should prob know these topics before looking at the kinds of area you mentioned, right?
Seeing the developments in the markets the last few days, maybe a background in psychology is just what is needed. :)
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