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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Need help to deicde whether MSc mathematical finance is for

Hello guys..I am a student from India doing my undergrad in mathematics. I am really interested in stock and forex markets. From last two years I am trying to learn how the prices go up and down. It really interests me a lot. I am really interested in mathematical finance because this course teaches pricing and graph of stocks and forex. But I have some doubts about this.Please help me out.Here they are :

1.Which course is better to get into? Mathematical finance? Or computational finance? Or financial engineering?
2. How is all these course different from Mathematical finance?
3. Which country will be best for me to get into? For better future? UK or USA?
4. What happens after I complete my degree? Will get job offers? Or I will have to go for PhD?
5. Do I need to learn programming languages before joining any such course? Or they will teach me?
6. What is the level of competition in getting a quant job? And what happens to the beginner quants? When it comes to job?

Please help me out.. Thanks!