NYU Poly and career info

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex K
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Hi all,

I'm a senior electrical engineering major looking for some help, advice and info. I'm looking to attend graduate school and have started getting replies from various grad schools. Seeing how I'm interested (however only somewhat at that) in EE grad school, I applied to a couple FE schools on a whim to keep my options open. I didn't really expect to get in but I've received several merit scholarships from them so I'm seriously considering attending. As I have absolutely no background in finance or anything of the sort, I'd like to ask some questions and hopefully receive some replies.

1. I've read a lot of different posts here and online and have a general idea of FE. Can anyone give me a more specifics of what type of jobs these are? I know risk management is common but what else? and what exactly do you do?

2. How much would I have to work? From what I've read, it seems like a regular work day +a couple hours after.

3. What does the future of FE look like?

4. How is the workload in graduate school if I do choose to attend?

5. How difficult(or easy) is it to find a reasonable job after I graduate?

Also, I can't really seem to find any information on NYU Poly(as nobody else really can either it seems). I have to have a reply to them in by the end of March and I have a pretty big merit scholarship from them. Can anyone help with the info?

Thanks! All help and any other advice is appreciated.
1) http://www.quantnet.com/forum/threa...uants-mfe-financial-engineering-students.535/
2) It depends on the role but hours are long and stressful.
3) There is no crystal ball for that.
4) Pretty intense. If you find the work easy, you probably in the wrong program.
5) If the job is easy, you got the wrong job.

Did you ask the program directly about any other relevant info? Did you research them before you apply?
I am wondering about the hours too. Is it like 80-100 hrs a week?
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