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PhD or MFE in Singapore NTU?

Dear all,

I am currently an undergraduate, major in Mathematics and Economics, in NTU, Singapore. I am very interested in becoming a quant!

Just a little background, I am able to skip my master level and pursue a PhD in NTU. I am stuck between two choices because NTU has one of the most famous MFE program in Asia (I can't really afford going overseas and hence, only consider universities in Asia) which would most probably provide a lot of networkings while PhD in Mathematical Finance would provide me a solid academic background necessary for quant.

I have strong passion in pursuing a PhD but I am afraid that PhD fresh graduate with zero working experience might not be able to get a good quant job in Singapore. Also, PhD is really a life choice (4 years), I am not sure whether pursuing a PhD straight after undergraduate without any working experience is a good choice. Is there any quant in Singapore who can provide me any suggestion regarding this?

Thank you so much! :)