Please evaluate my profile.

GRE score V-154 Q-165 AWA-4.0

UG - Electronics Engineering, Mumbai University. 59%.
Translated by WES to 3.7 GPA

Had a semester each in C++ and JAVA.

What universities should I apply to (for MFE)?
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Thanks! but other edu is not possible.. And I've had subjects dealing with advanced mathematics..
How would you link your interest and research exp in MFE?

You can select some theories which inter-lap and some books/papers you have read.

Any exp or internship in trading / financial risk would help.

You can try FRM or PRM.
Agree with Shivgan here. Please note, this isn't edulix where you give just basic details and people evaluate. We'd need a more information about your profile. Anyway, I'm going ahead.

If you're able to construct an essay that clearly states your interests in FE, the specific area you're interested in, then you might have a decent shot at tier 2 colleges. If you go through tracker profiles, you would see that many students from Mumbai University have a first class or a distinction. So think about where you'd stand if they compare your GPA against their's. Your GRE is fine.

Most importantly, your math grades are going to matter. Most adcoms look at your ability to handle higher level math and these grades are definitely a reflection of whether or not you can. You should demonstrate interest in this field in some way, may be by taking up what Shivgan suggested or CFA.

Good luck!
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