Hi all,
I am an software technology engineer and am considering apply to MFin program (Princeton). I am also applying to a few MBA programs this year, but MFin Prineton also will suit my long term goals. The problem is: I looked at the class profile (20 selected out of around 500), and looks like none of them is more than 6 years out of undergrad (most of them just a year or two out of undergrad) with excellent gpa etc and pure fin/math ground.
My profile is:
- 33 yrs, MS/BS in computer engineering (CE) from top programs in CS/EE university
- Couple of international publications, book chapters in my research field in CE.
- Variety of R&D roles in a few companies in hi-tech
- GMAT 740 49q, AWA 4.0 - (low?)
- GRE - 800Q - AWA 4.0 (low?)
- GPAs (~3.5)
- Good grades in math courses in UG.
- moderate ECs (do ECs matter?)
From the class profile of MFin, it looks much young (with most of them 0-1 years from undegrad). How do Pton view age during admissions? How important is "statement of purpose", and recommendations? I will have only 1 academic rec from my professor in grad school, others being professional recs.
I am an software technology engineer and am considering apply to MFin program (Princeton). I am also applying to a few MBA programs this year, but MFin Prineton also will suit my long term goals. The problem is: I looked at the class profile (20 selected out of around 500), and looks like none of them is more than 6 years out of undergrad (most of them just a year or two out of undergrad) with excellent gpa etc and pure fin/math ground.
My profile is:
- 33 yrs, MS/BS in computer engineering (CE) from top programs in CS/EE university
- Couple of international publications, book chapters in my research field in CE.
- Variety of R&D roles in a few companies in hi-tech
- GMAT 740 49q, AWA 4.0 - (low?)
- GRE - 800Q - AWA 4.0 (low?)
- GPAs (~3.5)
- Good grades in math courses in UG.
- moderate ECs (do ECs matter?)
From the class profile of MFin, it looks much young (with most of them 0-1 years from undegrad). How do Pton view age during admissions? How important is "statement of purpose", and recommendations? I will have only 1 academic rec from my professor in grad school, others being professional recs.