Profile Evaluation + Course advice please?

I have the option to take night classes at local community college this spring in Dif EQ. I can also take Intro to Finance and Intro to Investments.

These wont help my application or chance at acceptance but it will give me more peace at mind and better preparation for when I go to the program, right? Maybe?

I read that Dif EQ is really important for financial models so I think I should take at least that.
Should I take Dif EQ? What do you think? How about intro to finance/ intro to investments?

Once again, thanks for your help.
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First off, shout of from Cazenovia and a fellow pre-med math major. I was actually in a very similar position as you and ended up enrolling in Columbia's Quantitative Studies for finance program. I'm not sure if this is an option for you but I would suggest looking into it. As for coursework, DiffEq's would definitely be good to take prior to applying. Even if it was at a community college I think it would strengthen your profile. Same for the finance courses. I'm not sure how many classes you are looking to take but a real course in Probability and perhaps Stochastic Processes would be good as well. You seem strong enough in pure mathematics that you could handle MFE coursework but it might be nice to have a solid foundation in these topics before focusing on their applications.

Thanks for the response and Cheers to you as well.

I will definitely take Diff EQ, and very likely add on intro finance or intro investments (maybe both). I don't want to sound so arrogant but I am 99.9% sure the classes will be a joke (at least compared to the raw brutality of some Cornell courses). I am kind of worried about that? -whether I am wasting my time by not using some MIT opencourseware or Stanford lecture series, instead; Harvard has one too. Then again the CC course costs less than $500, and a teacher/office hours might be nice to have.

As for taking a 'real' course in prob&stats, those aren't offered at CC. Definitely not anything Stochastic either. Otherwise I would be all over them. Taking those courses elsewhere is not an option because I work full time and they would be so expensive. I am very likely gonna sign up for Diff EQ. But would the Finance course help me?

I have already applied to Columbia MFE, Stanford Math and Comp finance, MIT MFin, and Cornell MFE, and I am going to apply to NYU as well, and hope for the best. If I get in, I gotta work my tush to catch up on prob-stats-Stochastic.



First off, shout of from Cazenovia and a fellow pre-med math major. I was actually in a very similar position as you and ended up enrolling in Columbia's Quantitative Studies for finance program. I'm not sure if this is an option for you but I would suggest looking into it. As for coursework, DiffEq's would definitely be good to take prior to applying. Even if it was at a community college I think it would strengthen your profile. Same for the finance courses. I'm not sure how many classes you are looking to take but a real course in Probability and perhaps Stochastic Processes would be good as well. You seem strong enough in pure mathematics that you could handle MFE coursework but it might be nice to have a solid foundation in these topics before focusing on their applications.

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