Profile Evaluation

Hello, following is my profile as a MFE candidate:
1. IIT Delhi Computer Science student (CGPA 8.8/10 (roughly translates to a 3.65 on the US Scale).
2. Research interns in Theoretical Computer Science, and a paper in WWE 2024.
3. 2.5 years of working experience in a buy/sell trading firm as a quant researcher.

I am applying to the following programmes:
2. Princeton MFE
3. Baruch MFE
4. Stanford MCF

What are the chances of my application ? Working in C++/Python is kind of my daily job and as a CS graduate I have a lot of programming experience. I took Netmath courses in Partial differential and Differential equations (to add to degree courses in Linear Algebra, Calculus and Linear Programming) , but am have a very basic knowledge of stuff like stochastic calculus.

Any help would be very appreciated, and if possible please also suggest some other US/UK quant programs I can look for applying into.
Take measure theory based probability, real analysis. Stochastic calculus is the course most MFE students have a tough time with and you don't want to struggle with the HW while dealing with internship search.
Also, broaden your list to more programs from our rankings. Those programs above have some of the lowest acceptance rate on the rankings.
I have self studied measure theory based probability from David Williams, and taken a college course in real analysis.

Given the status of the job market, is doing a degree from lower ranked college worth it ? I am instead planning to apply to other prop trading firms directly, as from what I have know even a friend of mine from UCB MFE hasn't got an internship despite trying for 5 months, so it might be even more difficult to land one from lower ranked programs.
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