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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Profile for MFE Admissions

Hi, I am an Indian undergraduate (top 5 IIT), working at GS/JPM Quant Division in the modeling team. Will have around 2.5-3 years of experience by the time I enter school.
- Department Topper (9.2/10) amongst 100+ students in Mechanical Engineering
- 331 GRE (169Q/162V/5.5AWA)
- CFA Level 1 and Level 2 (expected in some months)
- Top Rating for 2 years in the firm
- Have experience in machine learning and finance
- National competition winner in Robotics
- A+/A grades in algorithms and programming courses with significant python and CPP exposure

My pain points:
- LORs: One strong LOR from a Robotics professor, others would be professional LORs. I think I won't get the best here.
- My math grades: I had a B in almost all math courses (one C in probs and stats). B=8/10 and C=6/10.

I am a bit underconfident due to these two points and have not considered applying till now. I want some idea if my profile is worth a T10 MFE/finance program. Would also appreciate any tips on how I can mould my profile to get over the above issues.

Thank you for your time.