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Baruch MFE QBA test invitation for Round 3

Hi all,
I submitted and completed by application on Feb 15 which was the deadline for Round 3 Baruch MFE but I haven't yet received any invite for the QBA. The test is mid next week, anyone else facing this? My other concern is will my application be considered in Round 4 since i completed it on round 3 deadline date?
Many thanks
I went to the QBA info session earlier this week, and they said that they will be sending out the zoom link for QBA afterwards. However at this point I haven't receive the link yet as well. Did you get an email invitation about the QBA info session?
Hi, yes I got the invitation for the QBA info seminar last week. It did say that the link for the test will be sent out shortly but I didn’t receive it. I mailed admissions team about it and they asked me to check if I completed my application in time for round 3. I replied saying I completed it on the deadline date, Feb 15 but didn't hear back from them after. I will send a follow up mail.