Quant Finance on Stack Exchange

Lol when I first saw the thread title, I was getting ready to poke fun of the misspelling by asking about the Queue exchange. But it turns out that it's a real thing :P
StackOverflow is a very well-known and respected site used by many developers. Stack Exchange and other similar sites build on the same concept of Q/A, communication. It's a bit different from the forum software that we are used to here. And on top of that, you build you reputation by participating.

The web is a nice place to interact with people of same interest to learn and most importantly, contribute back to the community.
Another bump for this project. When I first posted in Oct 2010, it has 50% committed, and it's now at 77%.
Another strong push to start 2011 and we will get there soon.

I'm all for sharing knowledge and learning from others.

If you are MFE applicant, it shows strong initiative and a desire to learn and be part of the quant community.
Click HERE and join the project
Quantitative Finance - Area 51 - Stack Exchange
I've just signed up for this. It sounds like an interesting project.

Can you (or anyone really) explain what this is for those that are unfamiliar with it.

Regardless, I'm interested...now just tell me what I'm interested in! :)
Stack Exchange - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, it's a different way of information exchange. People are used to how forum like Quantnet works so SE is a bit different. Once you are a member, you can participate in a huge selection of topics.

To get a site dedicated to the topic of quantitative finance, it has to go through a long process. We are in the Commitment Phase now.

In order for a new Stack Exchange 2.0 site to be created, it must go through a process consisting of 6 phases:
The “Discussion Phase”: the community discusses ideas for potential sites.
The “Proposal Phase”: the community builds a detailed proposal for each potential site, discussing the topic, the audience, and what kind of questions will be posted on the site.
The “Commitment Phase”: people from the community commit to building the site’s community.
The “Closed Beta Phase”: once enough people commit in the previous phase, the site enters a closed beta where the people who committed start the site, seed it with information, and appoint moderators.
The “Open Beta Phase”: the site progresses in development, now open to everyone as a public beta.
Full Citizenship”: if the site meets a certain level of activity, it leaves beta status and may remain indefinitely online. Otherwise, it is shut down. Additionally, they get their own design and logo.
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