Quant projects

Hi all,

I am a physics PhD student in the US with a strong background in Python, C++, and several other programming languages. My research focuses on developing machine learning pipelines and strategies to tackle complex problems in physics, such as anomaly detection and rare event searches. I regularly work with algorithms like normalizing flows, diffusion models, and transformers.

After completing my PhD, I’m planning to transition into the quant field, particularly in R&D roles. I’m currently building projects to strengthen my portfolio, but as I’m still relatively new to finance, I’m seeking advice on the best books to read and the types of projects that would be valuable for someone with my background.

Thank you in advance for your help!
Thank you for the prompt response! I appreciate the direction. I'll check out the new section for quant projects. Do you have any specific book recommendations or further advice for someone transitioning from a physics background into the quant field? Any additional insights would be greatly appreciated!
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