Quiz by Peter Carr: Are You a Trader or a Quant?

Note: Received via email today. Thanks to Dr. Peter Carr who gave us first-to-publish permission on QuantNet

Quiz: Are You a Trader or a Quant?

Traders and quants both know that an option's premium and its gamma are intimately related. This quiz will help you learn whether you are a trader or a quant. Assume the Black Scholes model with zero rates and dividends. Let \(t_0\) be the valuation time and let \(S_0 > 0\) be the initial stock price.
Under risk neutral measure \(\mathbf{Q}\), the stock price process is:

\(dS_t = \sigma S_t dW_t, \qquad t \geq t_0,\)​

where \(\sigma > 0\) is the stock's (constant) volatility and \(W\) is a standard Brownian motion. Let:

\(C(S,t;K,T) \equiv E^{\mathbf{Q}} [(S_T - K)^+| S_t = S]\)​

be the call value function. Consider a call which is initially at or out of the money i.e. \(S_0 \leq K\)
The three equations below all relate the call's initial premium \(C(S_0,t_0;K,T)\) to the gamma it has over its life:

1. Initial call premium is profit from gamma scalping at the initial stock price:

\( C(S_0,t_0;K,T) = \int_{t_0}^T \frac{\sigma^2}{2} S_0^2 C_{ss}(S_0,t;K,T)dt. \)​
2. Initial call premium is initial expected value of the profit from gamma scalping at all future dates:

\( C(S_0,t_0;K,T) = E^{\mathbf{Q}}_0 \int_{t_0}^T \frac{\sigma^2}{2} S_t^2 C_{ss}(S_t,t;K,T)dt. \)​

3. Initial call premium is cost of starting the hedge, rehedging continuously over time, and winding up at expiry:

\( C(S_0,t_0;K,T) = S_0 C_s(S_0,t_0;K,T) + \int_{t_0}^T S_t C_{ss}(S_t,t;K,T) dS_t - K 1(S_T > K). \)​

Two of the 3 equations are correct and one of them is wrong. Which one is wrong?


I don't quite understand how you decide whether you are a quant or a trader from this quiz...
Anyhow, the first one is correct and follows from the B-S PDE and the fact that an option is initially out-of-the-money.
Third one seems to be correct as well (with probability one) and represents the
delta hedging strategy.
Not sure about where the second one comes from though...
The correct answers are 1 and 3, according to Peter Carr. I assume how your mind approaches the problem of hedging, pricing kind of tells whether you are a trader or quant.
Heh. I came up with 2 and saw that the correct answers were 1 and 3. I tried to figure out why I got it wrong and then I realized, I picked the one that was wrong - you posted the ones that were right.

It seems I can do the harder things, but when it comes to adding 1 and 1, I try and take the eigenvalue. :\
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