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Rebalancing and calculating P/L of portfolio when additional capital enters?

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some advice as to the best way to manage a portfolio when it moves from simply managing my own capital to managing my own capital + X amount of other parties as well.

Here's my thoughts on the matter, given the current portfolio which is my own capital, let's say $10,000, and another party is also interested in myself managing their money, let's presume that's also $10,000, what's the best way to reinvest the new capital?

As I see it:

Option 1: liquidate the entire $20,000 and reinvest.
Option 2: invest the new $10,000 at the same balancing of the current portfolio.
Option 3: manage the new $10,000 under a seperate sub portfolio.

The problems being that: 1) it's difficult to get the ideal weights with only the small amount of capital, 2) how does one calculate the performance of each $10,000 in the new portfolio (if they're combined).

Any advice would be appreciated, there's probably a simple answer I'm overlooking.