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Role review: GS strats: compliance division, automated trading controls analyst

GS Strats Compliance analyst for electronic trading controls

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recently got interviewed for a GS strats role, and they are asking me for a role in the compliance division as a strat.

If anyone here works in this division or is aware of this role, please PM or respond here, would be really helpful :)
The JD has been removed from the link it seems. You got any specifics on the role that people can advise you regarding?
The JD has been removed from the link it seems. You got any specifics on the role that people can advise you regarding?

If you search directly ans change the Division to Compliance, there's no or no longer ay role with "strat" nor "quant" in the name.

Based on what does showup, and @Qwer Ty 's comment about "I want a revenue making role", then NO, what they offered him would not be useful.

@Qwer Ty
(1)being able to progress onto revenue making roles and not getting stuck in back-end or middle office non revenue generating jobs.
- Go be a trader

(2) Getting to learn as much as I can about finance in general and not GS specific technology/systems only
- Depends on the type of compliance, but if it's ancillary like an IT system, then it's more useless

(3) Since its a compliance based role I don't expect it to have extremely long hours or huge stress. Or am I incorrect?
- likely not, but check other reviews.

Apart from that, if there's any other criteria that might be important while considering this role, please consider that too in your review. Thanks!
- I think you're better off with a company no one knows and role that's closer to being a "revenue-making" quant, than a random role at Goldman Sachs.