RSVP: Black Friday midnight shopping trip


Baruch MFE Director
Dear Students,

I am suggesting a rather unusual social activity: you may or may not know that the Friday after Thanksgiving is called the Black Friday (I wonder why?! :))

Some stores will open at strange hours, and one of the most interesting such events is at an outlet mall in upstate NY, about one hour drive from the city, Woodbury Common Premium Outlets:
Woodbury Common Premium Outlets

I am suggesting to organize a trip on Thanksgiving night, on time for their midnight opening of the stores:

After-Thanksgiving Weekend Sale featuring Midnight Madness:
Fri, Nov 23: Midnight-10pm (Most stores are opening at midnight, all stores will open by 7am)

We need people with cars willing to drive there, as well as potential shoppers.

Respond away.

(And, to answer Bridgett's question, YES, I will definitely show up this time!)
Let me be the first to say, "Count me in!" Hopefully, there is a Grand Saloon affiliate up there. Oh, I don't have a car...but I have a list of those who do...
you may or may not know that the Friday after Thanksgiving is called the Black Friday (I wonder why?! :))
I used to wonder the same. I thought black means bad ;)
From wikipedia
"Black Friday" was originally so named because of the heavy traffic on that day, although most contemporary uses of the term refer instead to it as the beginning of the period in which retailers are in the black (i.e., turning a profit).
(And, to answer Bridgett's question, YES, I will definitely show up this time!)
I'm looking forward to seeing the bookies line on this :-\"

And for those that like to prepare shopping list before hand, this website has deals from lot of stores Black Friday Ads - The Official Black Friday 2007 Website
Indeed, Black Friday is supposed top mean turning from losses to profit for the year. Big day, if you asked me :)

Andy, could we add an RSVP here - and give people the option to mention can availability?
Well, interesting idea :)

Are we planning to depart on Thursday night?
There is a special bus schedule from Port Authority bus terminal to Woodbury:
November 22

Buses boarding continuously from 10:45 pm to 2:00 am

All stores are open from 10 pm. Therefore, if we don't find enough people with cars, we can have a fun trip on the bus - I can imagine how is it going to be :) Roundtrip ticket costs $39.

We also can get a Limo. How much is that going to cost? If we have around 10 people going, then bus tickets will cost $400. I think it should cover the cost of Limo. Here is the phone number (212) 979-0500 if someone wants to call and check how much exactly will it cost.
I worked as a salesman during undergrad, and on Black Friday I made twice as much money in commissions than in the previous three months combined.
I used to work as a salesman when I came to the US too... However, Black Fridays were the worst times of the year for me. We worked on commission, and when I sold something really cheap (aka on sale) I didn't make any commission. So, I guess it depends what do you sell ;) Ferraries are very good ;)
I'll be out of town for the weekend...otherwise I would've love to join...Sounds like so much fun!!! Hope the goers enjoy!!!
It seems like transportation would be an issue. We can try zipcar. Their cheapest plans would come out to $35 pp(assuming 5 people per car and it includes gas and 180 miles). I would be willing to take the 50 annual fee and the 25 application fee and the daily charge should be 69 since technically it is a weekday but assuming its not its $100 weekend rate split into 5 thats $20) I would not drive, this time, however since I will be under the influence, (alcohol :) ). This seems like a more fun/convenient alternative then taking the bus
Zipcar is an interesting option. Who else would be coming? (My driver's license expired a few months ago :))

Max, how about this?
Wonder if anyone is doing any Black Friday bargain shopping this year, either online or in store? It seems you can score sweet deals without braving the cold.
If only I had money in the first place... :)
Can't do anything, have to work today :( I think deals will last after Thanksgiving.
Found out I am really cautious in shopping recently (I often think of myself a shoppingmania) to keep my cash position.
In the Charleston Daily Mail:

NEW YORK -- Hundreds of bargain-hungry shoppers stepped on a fallen Walmart worker, who died Friday morning, after the crowd knocked down the store's front doors -- and the worker -- during the "utter chaos" of a Black Friday shopping melee, Nassau County police said.

Also in the NYT:

By 4:55, with no police officers in sight, the crowd of more than 2,000 had become a rabble, and could be held back no longer. Fists banged and shoulders pressed on the sliding-glass double doors, which bowed in with the weight of the assault. Six to 10 workers inside tried to push back, but it was hopeless.

Suddenly, witnesses and the police said, the doors shattered, and the shrieking mob surged through in a blind rush for holiday bargains. One worker, Jdimytai Damour, 34, was thrown back onto the black linoleum tiles and trampled in the stampede that streamed over and around him. Others who had stood alongside Mr. Damour trying to hold the doors were also hurled back and run over, witnesses said.
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