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Should I take extra semesters to take cs/math classes? (transitioning from nat sci)

Rising senior at top 5 uni. Decided in the last year to transition to quant trading/research. I can either graduate this year, or I can take an extra 1-2 semesters so that I can a) take machine learning, probability, econometrics, etc. and b) be eligible to apply to junior year internship for summer 2021. If I do graduate this year, I'm instead looking at applying to full-time jobs and I'll only have the time to take 1 class outside my major (prob machine learning), so I'm worried about not having enough background for a FT, though I do know people form my uni who went physics > quant.
Thoughts? Will it look good or bad if I do take 9 or 10 semesters to graduate so that I can add more relevant courses, and a minor in data science/stats?
Money isn't an issue since I'm on full fin aid, though I do have the opportunity cost of starting FT work a year later which is probably a 6 figure decision.