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Software engineer -> quant developer

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Hello! Wanted to see if anyone can point me in the right direction on some education/career options. I have ~10 years of total work experience , and I'm currently a senior software engineer with a mid-size tech company (not FAANG, but a reputable high growth company), where I've worked in both engineering management and as a full-stack developer. I've been really interested in finance since my undergrad days, and I'm looking into making a move to a quant developer role to try something different and work in a space that I find really fascinating. I have a strong mathematics background (BS in Mathematics from a top 10 program, decent but not stellar GPA), and I'm looking into pursuing masters degree, or other coursework that will help prepare me for a quant developer role.

I'm considering applying to online CS Masters programs as I think that would be beneficial even if I don't end up in finance. I'm also looking at the quantnet C++ courses as my background is primarily in JavaScript/web development.

Has anyone made a similar transition?
Does anyone know of a computer science programs with a focus on applied problems, or finance specifically? I'm also interested in a dual comp sci/math program but haven't really found anything that interests me.
Should I just start brushing up on C++ and financial concepts and apply to jobs?
I am also interested in MFE programs, specifically something like CMU with a high computational focus, but I don't think I'd be able to find any letters of recommendation for entry into a program right now.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Thanks Andy, this is great! Very encouraging 🙂