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Summer Internship

Hi :) I have a very simple question. Since we all know a financial experience is a + for FE graduate program, I will most probably do a summer internship in Societe Generale. The bank is French ( I guess you all know this) but I will do the internship in Bulgaria (my home country). So my question is: Do you think it is a good place to spend a couple of months, acquiring knowledge and of course putting it on my CV? I will be working with the finance part of the bank. And my next question is: Do you think a summer school in LSE ( Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives) would make my application stronger and if yes - to what extent?

Thank you in advance.
Have a Great 2010!
I would go with work exp, if you have a guarantee it will be hands on, not paper shuffling. And read stuff on the side while doing the internship.