test engineer

M.S. in Physics, planning on getting a M.S. in C.S. But at the moment it's very hard to get a job in quant finance so I'm looking more at IT roles. I want to do software development while pursuing a CS degree and then switch to quant. By far most companies who have been interested wanted me to do QA. I've heard that once you get into testing, it's hard to get out. Also it doesn't require very high coding skills to do a testing job. Should I take a pass or start off testing software and see how it goes?
If you can get this job without CS degree than I suggest you can work a few years, see if you like it or not, move around, learn some valuable skills and evaluate if you want to go to graduate school. You may get your company pays your tuition and then you will have a better idea what skills you need to learn. Right now, you don't even know if the return for you CS MS is worth it.
People who move ahead faster in life is those spending their prime working, climbing the ladder instead of staying in school, I once heard a wiseman said ;)
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