U Florida MBA data given to U.S. News was inaccurate

The University of Florida reported inaccurate information about its master's of business administration program to U.S. News and World Report in 2009, according to an internal university investigation.

An ethics complaint made to UF alleged that Warrington College of Business Administration officials manipulated data on the job placement of program graduates.

A higher percentage of graduates were reported as being employed in order to maintain the program's ranking in U.S. News' annual guide to graduate schools, the complaint alleged. College officials denied any wrongdoing.

Does this mean their naked backsides will be flayed with a cat 'o nine tails?
Villanova Law School was caught doing this and not only did the school plummet in rankings but the university basically cleaned house and fired everyone. I could see cases where this would open a university up to lawsuits also. People decide on which school to go because of these rankings. Knowingly misrepresenting scores to falsely attract students is fraud.
These tips are hard to come by. You need someone from the inside to tip off the press/other dept for this to come out. It's not easy for someone outside to notice.
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