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Chicago MSFM U of Chicago MSFM still good? The founding director is fired?

Chicago MSFM:
I just found out that the founding director of U of Chicago MSFM is fired? Is this program still considered top? Job placement seems always a problem for the program in U of Chicago. And from the review of the students there, some professor sucks.
So how about its comparison with Cornell MFE program or MIT Finance program or UCLA MFE if I want to get a decent job in NYC?

Cornell MFE
Is cornell program all located in Manhattan? If so, does that do any good to its job placement? Seems the placement in Cornell isnt that good either.

MIT Finance
Not like Princeton MFin, it is not quantitative oriented right? Some ppl say this is not worth going since the program is just a review of CFA tests. Is that true?

New program, anyone who knows the job placement?

Anyone who knows the truth please gives me suggestions, please. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your reply. I've researched a lot on mfe programs. But I am not familiar with cornell mfe program, mit Mfin and UCLA mfe program. Abt Chicago program, it seems too many negative reviews from current or past students. So I am gonna pass. What do you think of the above other three programs I have mentioned in terms of getting a decent job in NYC? Thank you!!
I ve read them actually. But the review covers only a bit of job placement aspect. Could you give me more suggestion in terms of getting a job in NYC? It seems they all have their pros and cons and so hard to decide which one to go. Thank you.
When the information you are asking is publicly available, either on the school website or at another place, then it goes to show if you are really interested.

Spend your time to do the research ..