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Baruch MFE Undergrad in Maths @ Baruch-How many credits?

Hi my name is
[imath]\sqrt\int C t 0 \R[/imath]

I can't for the life of me figure out how many credits you need to graduate with a BSc in maths @ Baruch. I've been contemplating finishing of my undergrad there and then going to the MFE but first things first. It appears that you need circa 50? In europe you need something around 90.
Anybody know the story? (yeps I've googeled & read the various course descriptions)

Phanks ahead!
Track I
Calculus I 4 credits
Calculus II 4 credits
Intermediate Calculus 4 credits
(i) 12 credits
/**this is followed by an "or" track 2/3, which means you take 1 track out of the 3*/

Any five 4000-level or 5000-level courses from the following group:
Math of Finance Concentration
Students who wish to have a concentration in the Mathematics of Finance should choose the following five electives:

Ordinary Differential Equations 3 credits
Introduction to Probability 4 credits
Stochastic Process 3 credits
Methods of Monte Carlo Simulation 3 credits
Introduction to Financial Mathematics 4 credits
(ii) Total = 17 credits

In addition, students must take
ECO 1001 Micro Economics 3 credits
ECO 1002 Macro-Economics 3 credits
FIN 3000 Principles of Finance 3 credits
FIN 3610 Corporate Finance 3 credits
(iii) Total = 12

*Now (i)+(ii)+(iii) = 41....right?
Bachelor requires 120
120 - * = 79

Where does it explain the parameters governing how the remaining 79 credits (according to my dodgy calculations) shall be chosen? I´m coming from the theoretical physics department at my uni, and there you have the listed required subjects+ electives from within the math/physics department = Undergrad degree. Also no where on any of the maths pages (yes I've read them all, unfortunately)does it say you need 120 credits to graduate.
Thank you Alan. I just find it amusing that I can prove topology theorems, was in the physics Olympiad and use variance reduction techniques via antithetic variates but I need to harass people to answer simple credit requirement conditions.

Must admit , reminds me a bit of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe when they were going to tear down Arthur's house and to find out he had to go to the town council building, climb down into a dark lit basement (...) and look into some inconspicuous file cabinet...(i.e. page 51 )
Excuse the rant
ps. ahh..google..