Undergrad Seeking Advice

I am currently a junior at a non-target private university (top regional university), looking into becoming a quant. That being said, I would appreciate any type of advice on how I can better position myself for a possible internship this summer at a quant fund.

Background: Although I am a economics and political science major, with a focus on advanced statistical modeling (methods). I've taken graduate level econometrics/statistics courses as well as graduate level programming classes to compliment the model that I do for research.

Experience: student researcher where I assisted professors with quantitative data modeling, independent research in quantitative modeling for equities, and was a data analyst intern for a marketing consulting firm where I did performed statistical analysis to make recommendations on how to best utilize clients' investments in current marketing campaigns.

Hard Skills: C++, basic R, STATA, SPSS, and Pentaho Data Integration.

In addition, I am the founder/president of a student-led investing group that focuses on a quantitative approach to trading.

What can I do on top of what I have been doing thus far?
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