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COMPARE URGENT: Cornell vs CMU vs NYU vs Columbia MSOR

Hello All,

I have recently been admitted into the following programs:
Cornell MFE
Columbia MSOR

I am a little unsure of which school to pick since my undergraduate degree was not from a top tier school and hence the Columbia brand has some weight in this decision.

I have some trading experience and will most likely be looking for quant/quant trading roles upon graduation.

Please let me know what you think ASAP.

My opinion is that these are all really good programs. I'm sure you cannot go wrong with any of them. However, based on your description. The decision should actually only between CMU MSCF (program) and Columbia MSOR (brand name).

I personally root for CMU MSCF because I'm going there. I've faced similar situation like you and I did some research. Since you want to be a quant S&T, CMU MSCF certainly have better (if not the best) alumni connections in that particular field. To be honest, if you have trouble finding a S&T job from CMU MSCF (which is under their Business School and has great career service. Remember why it's called "Tepper" Business School?), I highly doubt the brand name of Columbia will help you any further.

Besides the brand name, the biggest advantage of MSOR is there flexible curriculum choice. But I don't think you care too much about that.

This is my opinion though. I went to a prestigious U.S. school and I already have a little experience in my targeted direction. If you're from mainland China and want to go back then I understand brand name might be really important for you. I'd always love a new friend in CMU though. :)
The best program out of all of these options is definitely CMU MSCF (you put MFE, but I'm going to assume it's MSCF). I've heard nothing but the best comments about this program, especially the career placement team. For positions here in America CMU is the best option. If you are leaving right after the program and merely want a strong brand name for abroad, then yes Columbia and Cornell are both good brands.