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Urgent Help Needed - University Payment Issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter arkfin
  • Start date Start date
Hi everyone,
I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to see if anyone might be able to offer advice or assistance.

I have an urgent issue with my current university. I need to make a payment by Wednesday, but I accidentally entered the wrong CVV when trying to pay with my card. As a result, my card has been blocked. I've tried resolving this with my bank, but they won't be able to unblock my card in time.

I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm desperate and almost panicking at this point. If anyone here can offer advice or is in a position to help, I would be incredibly grateful. I swear it's not a scam or anything like that, it's just a guy who is in a really tough spot and desperate for help.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Best regards.
Just contact your university and explain the situation, and if you can get an extension. Pretty simple solution
Hi everyone,
I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to see if anyone might be able to offer advice or assistance.

I have an urgent issue with my current university. I need to make a payment by Wednesday, but I accidentally entered the wrong CVV when trying to pay with my card. As a result, my card has been blocked. I've tried resolving this with my bank, but they won't be able to unblock my card in time.

I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm desperate and almost panicking at this point. If anyone here can offer advice or is in a position to help, I would be incredibly grateful. I swear it's not a scam or anything like that, it's just a guy who is in a really tough spot and desperate for help.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

Best regards.
Generate a digital credit card on your banking application, and use that instead of a physical credit card