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VBA Question

I have a question which can probably be easily answered by anyone with VBA experience. I'm a bit of a dinosaur, so please bare with me.

I frequently implement Gaussian copulae in spreadsheets. Doing it in MS Excel makes not easy to explain to my students. I have a spreadsheet with a function that calculates symmetric eigenvalues and eigenvectors called SymmetricEigenvalues(N,covariance matrix range). I want to use this function in other Excel workbooks. I had assumed that I could simply create a new module in the other spreadsheet and port (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) the code. This, however, does not work. What am I doing wrong? Is there a step-by-step set of instructions out there?

I had a lot of experience with the original Lotus 1-2-3 macro language, the newer Lotus 1-2-3 macro language, and the old (Excel 3.1 circa 1993) Excel macro language. By the time VBA rolled around, I was managing and no longer coding.
I once did VBA with Excel but it was a while back ... it's a bit hazy .. At the time the stuff by Axel Vogt was very useful

There might be something useful in there.
Haven't used VBA in a few years, but what I used to do:

Two options
1) You can drag and drop in the editor from one workbook to the other
2) Export the macro as a .bas and import it into another workbook
